lottie daw is my creative place to share fun fashion, my recs, craves and other silly stuff.
SJ's favorites
SJ's favorites - by Stephanie292 on Polyvore.com

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The goods and The bads of Watchmen

I went to see Watchmen this weekend. Wow. Iwas very excited about this movie. Yes, I was entertained but the violence and gore was way over the top for me. The goods: Many of the scenes were really fantastic and visually cool; Max Headroom (remember from the 80s) played a supportive character and that was fun to try and connect the dots; loved some of the costumes (like the first Silk from the 40s) and well the lack of costume w/Dr. Manhattan; I liked the many layers to the story as it keeps you interested; Dr. Manhattan's monotone calmness was cool; liked 80s setting and outfits/lifestyle; The bads: gross out stuff was sooooo sick - breaking hands, arms, cutting off limbs, hands, shooting people left and right, dogs eatting bad stuff, so much that I had my coat over my head a lot; bad makeup on some of the actors in some scenes like the lead actress had dark circles (why would they let that happen???); way too long - 3 hours (if you include 8 previews); silly love scene that made me think that yes, this film is geared towards comic and treky geeks of all ages; needed more funny moments; and the silly purple tiger w/antlers - what was that? Anyhow, anyone that goes to see this should be ready with a fun go there attitude but bring a coat like I did to put over your head. One last thought. It amazes me that a movie like this is rated R with so much violence including a scene where a woman gets beat up and a pregnant woman gets shot. Too much violence towards women in films and those movies should be NC17 not the sexy ones. The Europeans have it the opposite - violent movies get the stronger rating while the provacative sexy movies get lesser. Love good, killing bad. I bet Mr. Headroom would agree.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Big eyes

I am not happy about this news. Margaret Keane is one of my favorites. Love her paintings and love her story. Got to meet her about 6 years ago and had her sign my poodle and blonde print of my dads. Well, the news is : Kate Hudson is set to play the lovely and talented Margaret Keane in her life story. Kate is cute and all, but sadly the casting agent messed up. This is not a so so romantic comedy story it is a fantastic story about a woman whose husband sold her art as his. I could see Reese or Gwyenth or Naomi Watts. I guess I should be happy that it is not Kathryn Heigel.
I will get over this as I have always wanted to see her story on the big screen. Great, great story.

"Vandelay Industries, Kel Varnsen speaking. May we help you?"

I miss Seinfeld. Don't we all. The perfect ensemble. All absurd and brilliantly written. But, there was one episode I never saw. Until tonight. The one where Elaine dances. You would think I would search for it on You Tube or just rent it. Not sure why but I never looked for it except on late night reruns. I think secretly I hoped not to come across it as it was the one show I had not seen so it was still new. Yesterday, I am updating my Netflix account and think I want to add it to my queue. I find the epsiode number and add it. Again this was yesterday. Now tonight, I am just about to turn in. Have been on line paying bills w/the tv on in the background. I flip through a few channels before I am about to log off and go to bed when what do I come across, the lost episode. And it did not disappoint. so funny. I am a little sad. But ya know I bet there is another one I missed. Or maybe I have a special talent like in Bizzaro world where if I think of an episode it will appear soon. Ok, it is late but I am thinking "can you spaer a square?" Yada yada yada...